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Walk by Faith; not by sight

Updated: Feb 20, 2020

“Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.” Hebrews‬ ‭11:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Do you remember the movie Hook? Hook was based on the story of Peter Pan. In the story, Peter Pan was a distinguished leader of the lost boys. One day, Peter met a beautiful woman, got married, left Neverland and had children. But before he left, he had a fight with Captain Hook and Captain Hook never got over it So one day he devised a plan to kidnap Peter‘s children so he would have no choice but to return and fight him again. Unfortunately, when Peter returned to Neverland, he no longer looked, thought or behaved as Peter Pan; he literally had to recondition himself mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally in order to become the man he needed to be in order to rescue his children.

Sometimes in life, we get so caught up in everyday life that we often forget about the small things we once dreamed of. We stop dreaming and believing in things and the next thing you know, your whole life has changed. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. The Word of God tells us in Matthew 21:22 that you can pray for anything and if you have faith, you will receive it. Its not our actions that determines our outcome; it’s our faith that does.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Help me to change my story. Give me a supernatural increase in my Faith today. Father God, we know that we were created in your image so God help to see what that looks like. Help me to see things the way you do. Help me to have clarity and understanding for Your Will for my life and help me to be patient while I wait for Your discernment on what to do.

In Jesus name I pray, amen.

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